In the table below we present the percentage of Smart shipments vs. all shipments in 2021-2022.
Period | % Smart shipments / all shipments |
Before the raise (06/2021) | 65% |
Before the raise (12/2021) | 71% |
After the raise (06/2022) | 85% |
After the raise (10/2022)* | 81% |
The percentage of Smart increased by approximately 16%. Major buyers choose this option and prefer to buy from sellers who have this option available.
While the buyer has the Smart delivery for free, the sellers have to partially pay for this option: LINK do artykułu Koszt SMART według metody dostawy
There are several conditions to get the Smart option available for your offers:
- 5 positive reviews 👍
- Maintain 98% of positive reviews or Super Seller status
- Provide at least one of the below delivery methods:
- Allegro DPD Courier
- Allegro UPS Courier
- Allegro Pocztex 48 Courier
- Add returns conditions to your offers
*raise from 1. August 2022 regarding some of the couriers: We will change the fees for Allegro Smart! parcels
More details: TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE SERVICE ” Allegro Smart! „